So Just What IS Wrong with Your Son?
It’s a question I get a lot and it has a complicated answer. I usually just say autism and leave it at that. If I’m feeling generous I might say high functioning autism or even Aspergers. It’s the easiest answer, it explains why he seems “weird” to you, even if it isn’t the whole answer. …
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I Choose “Not Busy”
It’s become a cute, almost fashionable thing to say that “being busy is a choice.” It’s my new favorite thing to hate. Maybe for some people busy is a choice. I envy those people. If I actually had a choice in the matter I would choose to not be busy. I promise. Ask anyone who …
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Bedside Manner
We spent years chasing zebras. Are you familiar with the expression? If you hear a horse, you should look for a horse—not a zebra. Don’t start with the exotic. Eventually, you rule out all of the horses and you have to start looking for something a little less common. Looking back at all of the …
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