It’s Always About Yoshi
I wrote this post early in the summer but didn’t manage to publish it until now. I’ve added an update in italics at the end. I managed the unthinkable. I got my teenager to talk to me. (*gasp*) I know. I’m just as shocked as the rest of you. Now, to be fair, I don’t …
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Here We Go Again
I’m reliving my past. When Yoshi was very young, we spent years searching for an answer (that we never found), Band-Aiding symptoms just to get through, and taking each day as it came. It was agonizing. The not knowing, the racing around, the endless stream of differing opinions. All of that was on top of …
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Letting Go of the Future
I saw something on Facebook recently where a mom of a child with severe autism was talking about the “last time”. Moms with normal (ha!) kids never know when that bedtime snuggle is the last, or it’s the last time you hold your little one in your lap. She was talking about how it’s different …
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Advocacy is a Skill
I suppose I already knew it. I have a couple of friends who advocate professionally (which is amazing, all by itself!) It just didn’t hit home until I found myself in a position where I needed to advocate for the “other one” and I already knew what I was doing. I was grateful for the …
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It Takes a Village
Hello, friends. I wrote this post the week that we came home from the hospital with Big Brother after his surgery. I didn’t realize that his recovery was going to require more than a month’s sabbatical from life and I never got to finish it. Some of it might be outdated now, but I wanted …
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My “Easy One”
Maybe you didn’t notice that I only got one post out in December and only two in November. I noticed. I started a post a long time ago about how the first thing that disappears from your life when you have a special child is time. Maybe someday I’ll finish that one. When I have …
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Water, Water Everywhere…
Water is one of the most imperative human needs. It’s also one of the most deadly forces in the world. We’ve seen it a lot in the news lately: the devastating effects of hurricanes (stateside) and for those of you who do global news (I don’t) typhoons and tsunamis make me grateful to live where …
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I Choose “Not Busy”
It’s become a cute, almost fashionable thing to say that “being busy is a choice.” It’s my new favorite thing to hate. Maybe for some people busy is a choice. I envy those people. If I actually had a choice in the matter I would choose to not be busy. I promise. Ask anyone who …
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A Life of Complaints
One day someone is going to ask me how I’m doing and I’m going to say, “Great!” and mean it. I say it all the time. Fine, okay, good, great—they’re all a lie. That’s what you do when someone asks in conversation. You say, “Fine,” and you move on. It’s polite. They’re only asking to …
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Celebrating the Little Things
This is not the kind of life that you measure in big victories. I have two children, one that is walking a more typical road and one that is… not. I know what it is like to celebrate milestones—and ache when they are missed. If we lived our “second” life waiting to meet the normal …
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