My Son is Allergic to ALMOST Everything
When Yoshi was a bitty baby, everyone agreed that he was allergic to everything. It was easy. (Ha! Believe me.) As he got older the doctors stopped agreeing on anything and everything was difficult. The battles between the who, what, where, and why are for another day. Eventually, we ended up at Johns Hopkins University Hospital …
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Stretched Too Thin
We have all been there. Over committed. It could be self-imposed—we said yes too many times, or it could be circumstances out of our control—when it rains, it pours, after all. Or, worst case scenario, it could be a terrible combination of both. That’s where I found myself last week. It’s where I’ve been living …
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The Ninth Circle of Hell
I’m not here to give you a poetry lesson, but if you are not familiar with Dante’s Inferno, the ninth circle of hell (the deepest) was considered to house the worst punishments. According to Dante, the traitors belonged at the bottom of the well with a special place reserved specifically for treason against your family. …
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Should You Medicate?
It’s the question of the age, isn’t it? There are pills to fix just about everything now. Why not autism? (tl;dr There aren’t any pills to fix autism.) Long before I had kids of my own, I was already outspoken about how over medicated our children were. I vowed that I would not medicate my …
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Public Displays of Bad Parenting
We all feel like bad parents from time to time. We let something slide that we shouldn’t have, we lose our cool and yell, we forget something important – or maybe that’s just me. Now it’s even worse because we get to measure ourselves against the perfection we see on Facebook and Instagram every day. …
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The Pictures on the Walls
I tried to tell Yoshi’s story to a new friend recently. We’re getting closer and she is familiar with our current situation but completely unaware of our past. We were chatting (isn’t that lovely sometimes, just chatting with friends?) and it came up – how much she didn’t know. Once I got her fairly caught …
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How Very Wrong She Was
We ran into each other at swim lessons. I hadn’t seen her in a while, maybe a couple of years. We used to be quite close, but life gets in the way sometimes and people drift apart. We had a lot to catch up on. Her youngest, her son, was just diagnosed with autism and …
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